ARM WARS Dark Card
arm wars

ARM WARS Dark Card

4. Feb 2023 Sa.
Hauptveranstaltung: Devon Larratt VS sandris sedis
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United Kingdom
6-round Match · rechter Arm
Meindert Nentjes
Meindert Nentjes
Winner: 6 - 0
jason hill
jason hill
6-round Match · linker Arm
Raimonds Liepins
Raimonds Liepins
mindaugas tarasaitis
Winner: 1 - 5
mindaugas tarasaitis
6-round Match · linker Arm
Bogdan Stoica
Bogdan Stoica
Winner: 5 - 1
Filip Cico Hritz
Filip Cico Hritz
6-round Match · linker Arm
Devon Larratt
Devon Larratt
Winner: 4 - 2
sandris sedis
sandris sedis
Heavyweight right arm world champion title match
6-round Match · rechter Arm · Hauptveranstaltung
Devon Larratt
Devon Larratt
Winner: 6 - 0
sandris sedis
sandris sedis