hamza hodzic

hamza hodzic

उपनाम The Hammer
देश Australia
उम्र 19
वजन 209 lbs | 95 kg
ऊंचाई ---
व्यवसाय ---
बाइसेप्स ---
फोरआर्म ---
कलाई ---
अधिक जानकारी दिखाएं

Hamza is a relative newcomer to the Arm Wrestling world. With only 6 months experience, this young man (Only 16!) has improved by leaps and bounds. With the ability to improvise, adapt and overcome regardless of the style or technique he is facing, Hamza improves weekly and has the potential to be one of the best.

Under 21s title belt
6-round Match · दायां हाथ
2 जुल. 2023 रवि, 14:30
Ethan Tunstall
Ethan Tunstall
hamza hodzic
Winner: 0 - 4
hamza hodzic
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Ethan Tunstall
hamza hodzic
Armwrestling Entertainment 1
AWE number 1 junior
बेस्ट ऑफ़ 5 · दायां हाथ
25 फ़र. 2023 शनि, 12:30
Jamie Barrett
Jamie Barrett
hamza hodzic
Winner: 0 - 3
hamza hodzic