King of the table 6
King of The Table

King of the table 6

25 फ़र. 2023 शनि
मुख्य इवेंट: Ermes Gasparini VS Levan Saginashvili
Venue: The Space, Dubai
PPV: Coresports Website for US$14.99
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
6-round Match · दायां हाथ
sabin badulescu
sabin badulescu
Winner: 4 - 2
Pavlo Derbedyenyev
Pavlo Derbedyenyev
6-round Match · दायां हाथ
John Brzenk
John Brzenk
Denis Ivanovich Tsyplenkov
Winner: 0 - 6
Denis Ivanovich Tsyplenkov
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
John Brzenk
Denis Ivanovich Tsyplenkov
6-round Match · दायां हाथ · मुख्य इवेंट
Ermes Gasparini
Ermes Gasparini
Levan Saginashvili
Winner: 2 - 4
Levan Saginashvili
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Ermes Gasparini
Levan Saginashvili

Levan gave up in the 5th round so ermes was the winner of the round 5 and 6.